JC03-18RD is red color glass with hand cut candle holder. We also can supply the candles together with glass. You are welcome contact with us. Thank you!
2011-06-27 0SYS4-31BL is blue color glass with hand cut candle holder. Our factory also can put the candle in the glass. We can supply other colors and shapes glass candle holder. You are welcome contact wit
2011-06-26 0大連杉亞玻璃制品有限公司是以加工、包裝、成批出售銷售為一體的有經(jīng)驗型貿易公司。有自營進出口經(jīng)營權。并擁有員工近50人的工廠。其產(chǎn)品主要以手工刻花為主。產(chǎn)品有普料、鉛料的酒杯、刻花杯、花瓶、盤子,碗,蠟臺等。另外,我們公司還可以提供顏色齊全,款式各異的插絲杯、啤酒杯、開口花瓶、把杯、碗、花籃等產(chǎn)品。經(jīng)本公司檢驗的產(chǎn)品可配裝顏色或白色瓦楞紙盒,還可以應要求配裝饋贈親朋的禮品盒和木盒。本公司的產(chǎn)品能適應
2011-06-18 0